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  • Writer's picturePENULTIMA SERVICES

How a Household Manager Can Protect Your Alamo, CA Home This Rainy Season

With the rainy season underway in parts of the U.S., including Alamo, California, homeowners have a lot on their plate. The wetter months often come with calamities that can wreak severe damage on your property, resulting in costly repairs. Fortunately, you can prevent and mitigate potential damages by hiring a household manager.

If you are living in Alamo, CA, our household managers at Penultima Services can help before and during the rainy season, keeping your property well-maintained and protected from the hazards of the season.

Before the rainy season

Here’s how you can benefit from our preventive services before the rainy season starts:

Drainage and gutter cleanup

Before the rainy season gets underway, it’s important to check the gutters and drainage. Clogged gutters can lead to water overflow, damaging your home's foundation, landscaping, and exterior surfaces.

Our household managers can work with trusted vendors to clear away fallen debris, ensuring the free flow of water and preventing damage to your roof and home.

Trimming the trees near the building

A household manager can help with trimming any standing trees near your Alamo, CA building. This ensures the bulk of the fallen leaves and other debris don’t clog your gutter and cause damage. There’ll also be a reduced chance of weakened trees falling and damaging your roof. 

Roof maintenance 

A household manager can work with vendors to inspect your roofs for leaks and check that the flashing is watertight. They’ll also check the roof drains to ensure they’re clear and no debris will hinder water flow.


If rain gets into your home through cracks and leaks in the windows, doors, and exterior walls, the resulting dampness can cause damage. A household manager can arrange for waterproofers to apply sealants and other waterproofing materials to your home's exterior, preventing water entry and damage.

During the rainy season

During the rainy season, you can look forward to:

Regular inspections 

Some structural issues only become apparent after the rainy season has started. By working with a reputable household manager, you can look forward to regular inspections throughout the rainy season, ensuring that any arising issues, such as leaks, moisture, or structural damage, are swiftly dealt with.

A household manager can also create a cleaning schedule to ensure the house's hallways, porches, and critical sections remain clean and tidy. 

With the increased chance of accidents and damage throughout the season from standing water, water spilling out of overflow drains, and severe erosion-causing flooding, having a household manager available to mitigate such disasters can benefit you tremendously.

Damage anticipation and continuous repair 

A household manager not only caters to the present but also predicts situations where water damage can occur. They work with other vendors for continuous maintenance and additional repairs where necessary. 

Protect your Alamo, CA home this rainy season and beyond 

Rain damage to your property can cost several thousand dollars to fix. With a household manager, you won’t have to worry. 

If you live in Alamo, CA, and the surrounding areas, reach out to us for a highly capable household manager to put your mind to rest this rainy season. Schedule an appointment today. 



At Penultima Services, we are dedicated to providing our clients with a truly unique and unforgettable experience. Our focus is on creating a tailored and unforgettable experience that allows your guests to concentrate on their work while enjoying the pinnacle of comfort and luxury. Please don't hesitate to contact us to learn more about our services.

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